About us

Formisa, 50 Years of Excellence

For three generations in Ticino, Formisa manufacturers have turned on their lights before sunrise. There are those who prepare the trucks, those who stack boxes, those who manage the orders that arrive during the night, those who check the departing goods. Delivering you the greatest fruit and vegetables in the Canton of Ticino - the heart of our business - and in the whole Switzerland does not allow any delays: it is a commitment that demands passion, attention, and speed. We have been keeping a promise for nearly 50 years, beginning with Anselmo, then Luciano, and now Toti.

Our partners

We work in synergy with the largest local companies, creating collaborations, trust and quality. Together, we strengthen the common commitment to excellence, to always bring the best to our customers.


The Dream of Anselmo Fornara

It's 1943. A small dream, strong and tenacious, withstands all the difficulties of a troubled historical moment. Anselmo Fornara, husband of Amelia Mion and father of little Maria Antonietta and Luciano, takes over a small fruit and vegetable store in via Madonnetta, in Lugano, and dedicates himself with great passion to its relaunch. Thanks to his skills, the business grows and makes its way. In 1946 it was already a shop with five windows that had become a point of reference for the entire city.

The Project Keeps Growing

In 1960, Anselmo Fornara gave new momentum to the family business. With a new entrepreneurial drive he joins his brothers-in-law, the Mion brothers, to take over an important local company operating in the wholesale fruit and vegetable import sector, effectively opening up a new market. Thus was born the “Fornara e F.lli Mion” company, in business for almost 15 years. Then, in 1973, having once again become the sole owner of the business, Anselmo Fornara expanded further, absorbing the Arnaboldi company of Lugano, with warehouses in via Ferri.

Formisa SA is Born

The now consolidated project is ready to face and win new challenges. First of all, the change between Anselmo and his son Luciano, who grew up in the company and is now ready to take over the reins. It is at this moment that Formisa was born from “Fornara e F.lli Mion”. With the same entrepreneurial spirit as Anselmo, and the determination seen in his father since he was a child, Luciano, together with his wife Loredana, leads Formisa to emerge even more on the Swiss fruit and vegetable market for its service, quality and competitive prices.

A New Era for Formisa

After the retirement of the Fornara spouses, the entrepreneur Toti Fasano arrives at the helm of Formisa who, with his international experience and a vigorous drive towards innovation, takes up the baton and experience, ready to carry it into the future. Thus begins a phase of profound growth and transformation of the company, which acquires new market shares, expands its network of collaborations and opens up to a new era, ready to satisfy and now anticipate the needs of its customers.Inizia così una fase di profonda crescita e trasformazione dell’azienda, che acquisisce nuove quote di mercato, amplia la sua rete di collaborazioni e si apre ad una nuova era, pronta a soddisfare e ora anticipare le esigenze dei propri clienti.

An Expanding Group

More than 40 years after Formisa's birth, many things have changed. The fruit and vegetable sector has changed, the rhythms of life have changed, people have changed. Even the company, which has consolidated its positioning on the market and achieved strong commercial successes. The love for quality and the attention to always giving the best, however, have remained the same. Every day, the lights in the Formisa factories continue to come on long before dawn, just like they used to. Anselmo's dream, almost a century later, still lives on.

Working with Nature is an Act of Love

Formisa is now a solid and rapidly growing reality.

From Viganello, our headquarters, the brand travels far and wide, conquering new markets and bringing the colors and freshness of Swiss products throughout Europe.

The cornerstone of our activity remains the commitment to guaranteeing an increasingly higher level, as attested by the internal and external controls which universally confirm the quality of our products.

At the same time, we are convinced that efficiency is not the only parameter for evaluating a company. The ability to restore value to the territory and its people with ethical and responsible activity is also very important. This is why we support a sustainable consumption model, to reduce environmental impact, pollution and waste. We believe that working with nature is a great privilege: an opportunity to learn to sow, protect and take care of what we have around us.
Formisa Today

Toti Fasano, Director of Formisa

Those who define him as "tireless" are not wrong. Toti Fasano – today at the helm of Formisa – is an attentive and energetic entrepreneur, used to working hard so that everything is always punctual and efficient. Even more: perfect. Born in Salento and raised with the sun and sea of ​​Southern Italy, Toti has a degree in Economics and Marketing from Bocconi University in Milan and a long career in the world of food & beverage entrepreneurship. Different experiences that taught him to read company numbers very well, but also people's stories and eyes. Since 2014 he has radically transformed the face of Formisa, bringing innovation, future and international openness.

The secret of excellence

Numbers, analysis, activities: her duty is to ensure the highest quality supplies and the effectiveness of services for all of our clients. Roberta Cuna is the Audit Manager of Formisa. She has a keen eye for ensuring process accuracy and quality compliance. Her comprehensive view allows us to always identify the optimal option. Roberta is Formisa's delicate and gentle touch, a sensitive and knowledgeable professional who knows how to make the most of resources and people.
Formisa’s Team

A united team

Our Values

We Believe in the Good

Goodness is the strong point of our fresh, tasty, seasonal fruit and vegetables. But also of people, of those who put their heart into everything they do.
Synergies, like land, must be nourished and cultivated. Every collaboration is a precious resource to take care of.
We believe in handshakes and commitments made. You can always count on our word, we do our best to respect it.
We love to search, experiment and go beyond what has already been seen. There is always a new taste waiting to be revealed.
We always look for the best possible solution and, if there isn't one, we create one. Commitment and dedication open all paths.
The land is not ours. It is a gift that we have received and that we must protect and pass on to our children.

Let's get in touch!